Feeling good (1 night)

Check-in 15:00
Check-out 12:00
NB! The price depends on the day of arrival. More detailed price information when booking from the website or from the sales department info@viiking.ee / +372 449 0505
Check the package price and book here
Price conditions
- Place in twin room /1 night
The package includes:
- dinner on the day of arrival
- accommodation in a twin room
- breakfast
- bathrobes and slippers in your room
- morning swimming in C-building (more information about the opening times)
- use of the water and sauna centre Viiking Saaga during the opening hours (more information about the water center and maintenance days on the sauna center page)
- use of Gym equipment during opening hours
- 2 treatments of the following selection
Choice of treatments (choose 2):
- peach warm paraffin treatment for hands (does not include manicure)
- tea tree warm paraffin treatment for feet (does not include pedicure)
- pearl bath with different aroma salts
- pearl bath with different herbs
- pearl bath with sea salt
- foot bath with peppermint salt and magnesium
- massage chair
- massage chair for feet
- salt chamber
In addition we also offer an excellent opportunity to use the water and sauna center during opening hours for 2 hours after check out. More information from the hotel reception.
For extra charge
- In relaxation packages it is not possible to purchase a place in a double room.
Additional fee for single occupancy in Standard room 25 EUR per night & Superior room 35 EUR / night - Additional charge for pet in room 20 € / night
- Additional fee for standard suite 45 € / night
- Additional fee for superior suite 52 € / night
- Extended use of the hotel room (late check-out) 10 € / hour
Price conditions
- Balcony (C, D and 4th floor of A buildings) and air conditioning (during the summer season) in superior rooms
- Standard rooms – A and B buildings
- We reserve right to change the prices shown at any time
- More information about the procedures from the treatment reception
- All packages include a medical worker’s appointment
- Booking we will guarantee until 19:00 on the arrival date. Please inform us in advance if You arrive later
Additionally, you can choose to buy more variety of meals.
Please reserve relaxation procedures in your package in advance +372 449 0510 or spaa@viiking.ee
This is an accommodation package complying with the package travel directive (EU) 2015/2302, please get acquainted with the package travel conditions.